I know i'm not a Helper, I know I haven't voted a lot of times, But that's Because I can only vote Once a day. I love Helping people and I love this server. I would loose my mind if I got to be staff...I'm trustworthy, I won't abuse my Privileges, and I would be as Nice as I can. So I please Urge you Koolio to add me as Staff....If you aren't Koolio then do me a favor and make sure Koolio has read this okay?...Thanks.
Please provide more information in the application, heres a forum link to a template thingy.
Also, you're not suppost to just ask for Staff and start Helping and what not, You should help & help & help, then once people know that you help alot, then make your application.
That's about it, I have to type.
Hi Shood,
I think you're on the right track but it might be more beneficial to start off as a helper to get a feel for the rank and the idea behind the 'Staff' rank. You may find you don't enjoy being a helper - if that's the case you probaly wouldn't like your standing as a staff member - there are a lot more things to do that use the commands as a staff member. You'll find more times than none you don't have time to use your commands; you'll practically be a normal player, donating your time.
You should also appeal to players, not just Kooglio, of course the decision is his alone, but I do think he takes into consideration the feedback from players (including staff and regular players) before making that decision!.
1 I read the how and Why to Post a Staff application. 2. I love to help people and I didn't mean other people that aren't koolio just tell koolio...I like Other peoples feedback as well. I wanted Koolio to read this. Thanks for the Feedback Though