This is my staff application.
I don't exactly know what kind of info to put down but after reading OVER 9000 staff applications ill just put down what i have seen there.
1.Most of our regulars have known me for some time.
2.I like to help when i can for ex. i lend new players a resonabe amount of money wnen needed. or i answer questions.
3.I have been admin on other servers before so i know what others will expect from me.
4.I'm not annoying unless i have a good riddle in mind.
5.I respect others decisions
6.My only concern if staff is to keep order and control if hadi isn't doing so already.
6.I am good friends with the other staff so i doubt i will be shuned by the others.
And koolio if you do choose me i wont let you down. ;D
I cant really build anything.