😉I KIPPEM WILL BE A AWESOME HELPER BEACUSE IMA FAMOUS YOUTUBER THAT HAS 900,609 SUBS RIGHT NOW xD and likes caps but im an amazing builder and in my opinion Kz craft is awesome im am a girl with a skype if u have any comments or replies (vipcoolwood) or reply to my website www.kippemkingdom.weebly.com VOTE FOR ME AS HELPER XDDDDDDDDDD
You dont care? we dont care sorry try harder next time and take a look at other posts
no i ment idc about if i get any 😛
well the ranks go as said - registered>member>member+>helper>staff>staff=>support!
? i don't understand
the server was different ranks to get to the ranks you need to do things like be active, vote and help so on and so on
basically, vote and make a proper application 😀 u could even donate if u really want to help the server youtubers make lots of money apparently (I think pewdiepie sometimes makes 1m a month) !!!!!!
Fire melts ice 😛
Not all Youtubers make "lots of money" the way people make money on the Internet is by ads/traffic, there is many rules to having ads most importantly age.
ok, long story short.
u is nt ready.
that app made me cry
Hi Creeper. Once i remembered i was making a house in Suna and you said ''euw'' and remade it.
Im still mad over that xDD
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
whats ur yt account? I couldn't find anything under the name of kippem with more than 2 subs. Also, have u made any videos on kraftzone? tell me if u do!
Fire melts ice 😛