hey, im chanman652 from kraftzone im a good builder amazing farmer i love this server and ik it needs some help around and keeping greifers away i will help with everything i can and whenever i can this server is honestly the best server iv ever played on. whenever someone needs help with something ill be more than happy to help like i said i plan onn staying with this server for a long time and plan on making it a 10x better econemy to play on then what it already is and make it 10x more fun to play on. so if so please make me a mod =)
and by the way my age is 15 just in case u needed to know =)
well there is no way of keeping a server 100% greifer proof but right now i suggest to just play the game
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
thats true but u dont wanna have them around and when they do come around stop them
yea i dont like them around, and the best thing staff can do against greifing is,kicking,temp ban and/or jailing only for EXTREME greifing
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story