Minecraft in-gamename: iMuZzaFuzZa
Age: I'm 14 now, buy I'll turn 15 in 21st. March.
How long have you been playing on kraftzone? (You can use "/totalplaytime" to findout): 17 hours, 20 minutes and 57 seconds, but notice that I've only been in server about two days
What interests you in becoming mod/admin?: Well, I've experience of being one like I was an Admin back at Gamewire, about 6 months ago and I can also keep forums in action I also love helping people. Like I do if someone like Koolio is AFK and everyone is yelling: " Koolio, Koolio! " Then I just nicely ask what's their problem and I try to help them as much as I just possibly can.
What are your best qualities?: Hmm... I'm funny (sometimes mad D:) and I'm helpful, I'm wise Aand last thing to know is that I know, or I think I know many things about MineCraft.
Tell us about yourself! we are very interested too see what kind of person you are: Weeeelll, I'm nice going out, hanging with friends that I've made this far (hope I make more!), 14 years old boy from Finland! And I hope you guys like my application!
-Greetings, iMuZzaFuzZa!
Koolio? Could you reply?