Lol sly 😀
Hosting Apps 😀
I was thinking of making Kraftzone onlinemode true sometime next year (far easier to run)... which would mean no more cracked accounts. However I'd still want to keep a playable offline server, so maybe that is where you come in sly. A more pvp orientated server I think, I always wanted to have something like a prison server/ alcatraz island.. just taking over the offline authentication stuff. Mysql db hosting and linking it up with the official server on this site.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
i laught so hard lol
Dude,Dudes,And Dudedes
Help Me By Pressing The Liked Ratting thing
What the hell kind of a color is clear?
@Koolio, about the whole offline thing, now how would that work? Would there be 2 kraftzones? A cracked and a non cracked, but sly would host one of them? Hmm this is.... Interesting. Tbh sly is a great player and a great builder and I've seen him to be pretty trust worthy so this could work.
I cant really build anything.