Minecraft ign: frenchfriii
Age: 14
How long have you been playing on kraftzone? (You can use "/totalplaytime" to findout): About 3 weeks now
What interests you in becoming mod/admin?: Things that interest me about being a mod in KraftZone is being able to help players with whatever they need and enjoying the server myself. As you know, i have my own server so i know how it can be and I am familiar with many plugins.
What are your best qualities?: My best qualitys are building and helping others with what they need.
Tell us about yourself! we are very interested too see what kind of person you are: As you know, i try to get along with everyone on the server. Key word-TRY because when people do something wrong i try to tell them to stop but they always get mad at me so it causes me to yell.
good app, but i think you might need a little more time on the server not just 3 weeks
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story