Hey guys Cyber here and i just wanted to post my Helper Application
Date I joined the server~ 2013-04-21
Place of Liv'in: California
Age~ 13
Total votes~ 403
Total Play time~ 14 days, 4 hours, 19 minutes (when I posted this it could change when i get on later)
earned ranks~ Member and Member+
Reasons I think I should be Helper: hey guys Cyber_stormX2 here! I am not posting another helper app I am just modifying an old one. I have been on this server for almost a year now and with almost 410 votes i would like to ask the wonderful people at Kraftzone to let me in to the helper family. When ever someone ask's what command to use or weather the server has something or not I will always try to respond with the command name or say yes or no if the ask if the server has something like a certain minigame or faction(I can say yes to factions when asked about factions). I am a mayor of a town (the town name is waffles). I try not to swear and I don't swear excessively (I dan't randomly say "F*** you" to someone). I try to help people when I can and I try not to bug the staff/support/koolio with my problems or questions. Kraftzone is my regular server, so I have been loyal to only kraftzone. The reason I have not been on a lot for a while is because of school, moving, and my computer being glitchy. I know quite a bit about Kraftzone's plugins but I don't know everything about them. When ever a new player cames on the server I will say "Welcome to Kraftzone (insert player name here)". I have made a Kraftzone video on my you tube channel though it doesn't have a whole lot of views. Sorry if I started to ramble a bit but This is were my application ends but I hope that the community will let me join the Helper rank family so I can help even more peaple.
P.S if there is any thing i'm missing please tell me
I found it.....I found my lost duck!!!
That is my You tube Channel
koolio is not looking for helpers right now but good luck when he is. but when he moves a helper to staff then there will a position! but i hope you become the next helper.
-Vinmeistr: mess with the best die like the rest.! jk i cant, im a staff...
Didn't you take a break from playing?
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
well i was but the account problem I was having at the time was fixed so I could keep playing
I found it.....I found my lost duck!!!
That is my You tube Channel
Hey guys cyber here and a lot of people have posted helper apps and I wanted to bring back mine so please consider my app when making a final decision. Please read my new and improved app. It is revised and edited. Thanks for your time
P.S feed back is welcomed
this is not another
application is is
just a revised version
of my old one.
Also, this is not
for Kraftwars
I found it.....I found my lost duck!!!
That is my You tube Channel
well kooglio , if you mind.. ill be glad to give cyber my helper ... if you understand what im saying 😀
Lost Monkey! If someone saw it , bring pepsi to me!
Well cyber_stormX2 is very funny AND nice i really think he deserves it