Minecraft IGN:4132austin
Rank wanted: -Staff,or ~Support
Why I think I should get -Staff or ~Support: I think I would be a good -Staff/~Support because I am willing to help anyone(unless AFK). Also I can help with Towny cmds and I welcome everyone to Kraftzone unless /Afk also I can help with MS(MobSpawners) I can also do WE (Even if -Staff don't get it) Also I play alot and sometimes admin arn't on and when that happens people need help and if Admins are on they could be AFK so people could still need help when admins are on and no one can help very much. If I could I would atleast like to do the test/trial thing for -Staff well I hope I do get -Staff or ~Support mostlikley -Staff but ~Support works to ;).
total playtime?
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
162 hours not alot sry I will try to get more lol also I played oldzone so I had like 200 something on there...
same with me 8)
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Now I don't feel alone :D!(of course I never really did because lots of people are like that)
my old one had like 400 and another with dillon 100 but why did u apply fro it again austin ._.
The badass ~Central 😀
I don't know...
The Old kraftzone, not oldzone, But the one after that.. I hade 163 Hours and in this one i have 170. So i have 333 hours playing on this server.
About 4 months.
Dedicated Player to kraftzone. Always standing.
Eh well not that big a diffrence so I called it oldzone 8) lol.
Austin would make great staff. He's a good friend of mine and he's been member+ for a while. He would be a good staff