Last seen: Jan 20, 2016
I would love to carry on at collage but I just can't afford it. I just have to do something else or use my set skills I learned at collage and go...
TX guys I was talking with mister sheep today a lot has happened my first week of collage!! Im glad I'm staying really close to a McDonalds. So o...
Textue Pack i was useing (Johnsmith) modes (turned off)
Do i have to copy and past the serve (mc.kraftzone.net25535) cuz the 1.7.9 version is saying its down and in matenence i tryed this also 1.8 & 1.8...
Thank guys, but we all know that I'm not asking, I'm just making a suggestion. Plus it was a topic that i just wanted to bring out before th...
i beleive so too... thats alot of bann request in a short period of time. Kottel your full of it. And the newest post made by johny to demote kottel t...
I believe kottel should be demoted not only that she thinks she can abuse her rank in staff, but also do to what happened last week with her greifing....
I dont care if it was 42 hours or 2 minutes you over steped your bounderies as staff and how can you think any of this could be funny. None of this is...
I really like brandons "seaofpains" mentioning of Photoshop. That web sight helps his case saying that he didn't do it. If you look at ...
Its showing timed out for me... i hope the problem fixed soon so i can get back to helping in the new spawn and the minigames
I too agrea, I think adding more minigames would increase the server flow. One popular server is (hive.mc.com) this server has a verity of minigames t...
you have as much as a chance to be helper plus your more likely to get accepted then i will.