Last seen: Jun 10, 2020
i dont like seeing numbers so high they hurt my brain.
Nice application.
Extremely disrespectful sounds like someone I know. Dilly
Oh lol. Wasn't complaining just though I would ask.
Coulda swore I had a ton of votes. Top votes even. -_-
I can't get on right now but ill be on later right now I am at the doctors office
Koolio. I would like to apply for this rank.
Is that bullshit I smell. Or is that just me
Koolio is looking for good builders for staff
Dilly that makes no sense to this topic.
Make a hub like server for non premium where they log in
Premium for the fact that I deal it will take kraftzone I a whole new level.
After further consideration (hours in class with nothing to do) I have decided it would be silly at this point to jut forget. I can't forget all ...
so it goes on the server
Dilly you spam the shit with useless unnecessary information.
So then I said bump this post