Last seen: Feb 22, 2015
Isn't blue banned?
I own you. ^ | |
...I am busy RedArrow I've got a life....I have tons of things to do a day...
Denied for you from me....Why not add more like more info to this staff app.
Jp DID YOU NOT read my note............I STATED IM NOT DONE for crying out loud!!!! NO MORE POSTS IM LOCKING THIS TOPIC
I am loyal, only am to betray if something HORRIBLE, I MEAN, SO HORRIBLE (not server wise, just owner wise, which i doubt you'll do anything kool...
*cough*TheLoneWolf119 *cough* for staff *cough* 2013
"help anyone with demolition"hahah lol.. I think not..I need a stamp..D: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Dem planet minecraft people
Sorry spam xD i thought i was a on his other ban appeal.Sorry for the spam.
NOOOOOOOOO THE CAKE IS A M***********************************!!!!!! ***CENSORED*** LIE IT IS ALL ******** LIES ALL LIES LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TheLo...
THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!