Last seen: Nov 20, 2014
hmm that might possibly be a good idea kooio XD
Im Bucknekedapache, and i approve this message#redneck #hybrid #badass #oldpics #turtles #liveaction #watersnap me @ bucknekedapache(jk with all this ...
thats straight up bullshit lol its completely their fault, and they want to charge YOU? they shouldnt have done the move without contacting all the se...
honestly just because you donated bek doesnt mean you cant get temp demoted with probable cause and i also believe Ugly is the perfect example of that...
FYI i had no part in making this poll just sayin
didnt seem like it just sayin
if you like it and you won, then why do you care? you just contradicted yourself and that didnt make sense
okay i know its a little late to reply on what you guys said about my comment, but what i said before didnt reflect on those other players. I was just...
just so you guys know i havent done anything to abuse my powers whatsoever. Me and ambush23 only use our privelages to build things for Archspore, and...
I agree completely with what JP is saying... that would be good for a second server,if you had premuim, but if you dont have premium then whats the po...
Pikec1 why would you put this application in if lastnight me, Jesison2, ambush23, and even Koolio made it completely clear that you were not getting s...
i just think he should get banned or at least warned because he had only 45 minutes playtime on the server and he was already starting problems with m...