Last seen: Jan 19, 2025
DAYUM boys that's some long shitIt's called double spacing smart one.You know what? it is still much text.
You can make people mad and stuff or you can just respect them and let them have a nice time on kraftzone.
Is it finished now? Because you can take life as it is and accept things in the past, and just go on living your life and give the past a place in you...
Dilly, I said it before, but you should really start to respect other people.
Cool, I will miss you when you are gone ;D Already waiting for the day I will see you online again 😛
Sorry, I feel like people should tell what happens, then people like you, koolio, can decide what to do.
Change it yourself. You might download the kraftzone skinmod first.
Again, we need proof.
First of all, never ask to get someone banned. Second, we need proof.
That sounds legit 😛 That magic is for dedicated people only ;D
What is the goal of this topic?
Sounds good, I will definitely take a look there.
Best. Time. Ever. !
Dilly, the server keeps getting offline now and then... People don't like servers with much offline time. Those people who are addicted to minecr...
1. Any donation made is in good will, and not in expectation for any perks or rank upgrades.2. Donation perks that are listed here might not always be...
nothing, since this topic is more then one month old...
It was more then a year ago I think, I use other texturepacks now 😛 Those pictures are one year old aswel. And I like the idea to put up that old old...
Probably, I got some help from Fluffy.
How do you want to make sure no one griefs or spawnkills? Impossible to prevent...How do you want to make the server better?What makes you think staff...