Last seen: Oct 25, 2014
how was dilly2k banned
obv u dont.foxy realized his mistake and so he made a new application for the other rank.you need Helper before staff.(you already made helper applica...
I think mcmmo, kills, deaths, etc (maybe not money) should be reset to go with this scavenger plugin.-also adding on to johnny's post. (10kills y...
he made a Helper application, kot.
ok, how about this (just an idea)without activating the command /scvron and /scrvoff - how about,if its off = you lose everything in your inventory EX...
I think with this you should add pvp kits. or make a change to /enchantshop -(enchants are very expensive)and if ur going to add this plugin in genera...
you need Helper before staff.(you already made helper application I see)
I support foxy in his adventures to become Helper xdhe is mature.I think u just need to work on votes.
can I be unbanned yet its been almost a week. I really want to play on kraftzone
you can give me your account and I can be staff.just saying, its a possibility............. you dont know maybe I can be qualified.
hi this happened to me too. I used to have 31,000 dollars. but it went to 481 dollars. ofc now I sold all my emeralds so I have 36k now, can u give me...
nerd means ur a donkey. koolio stop being a donkey u nerd
koolio ur a nerd
I support vladimir he is best president 2014good on u Putinu should apply for [President] rank