Last seen: Sep 5, 2019
Yea i get that one often
Gratz 😀
Nice but big yea
I am premium and i am donator btw
I think you will lose a lot of players if server turns to be premium... voted NO
I do speak french a little bit 🙂
All packs send me to defaulty 😮
I had the same problem, that's why i don't use texturepacks
That's a good idea.But most of these croatians are ARF_trooper_boil and muphy's friend.These croatian guys also tp kill i guess muphy learnt...
Well he still wants it for his good.If he really is a staff he would probably fly around and thinking he is grater than all of us, and staff is not fo...
What you don't like the server just cuz you aren't staff? Staff requiers alot things that you don't have, and most people quit cuz they...
Lol somebody really hates you.I wonder why :D...
That's so touching, goodbye Ytsen!