Active Member
Joined: Feb 15, 2014
Last seen: Nov 16, 2014
Last seen: Nov 16, 2014
Re: HarryHooshi's Staff/Helper Application
Why does your name suggest you don't like swearing?I thought that was a very good app and that you should definatly be a helper, although you sai...
10 years ago
Re: HarryHooshi's Staff/Helper Application
I understand that giving away OP items IS a big problem, but I would never do that. I just meant I love to help people whenever possible <3
10 years ago
Re: HarryHooshi's Staff/Helper Application
I live in Australia so that might be why I haven't seen you online a lot 🙂
10 years ago
Re: HarryHooshi's Staff/Helper Application
Why does your name suggest you don't like swearing?I thought that was a very good app and that you should definatly be a helper, although you sai...
10 years ago