Last seen: Mar 10, 2013
😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 U FORGOT MADHEAD >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
[X] Thanks Brick ~Bluedude Your mom is calling you telling you to eat~ HappyToe12-Stalker 😛
Of all the servers i have tried after kraftzone :-X They sucked. I tried 18 didnt like any of them Kraftzone is the best and always will be
Brick Truce Yes/No I say Yes
Who did I take with me. I dont think i took anyone with me. Besides the heart of BlackReach. I'll always love this town. Its just so cool BlackRe...
Im waiting like a week more to see the polls and ill decide. BTW Getting premium 🙂
I read .................. No comment 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 🙁 Still sad about leaving I ...
Already gave my stuff and money over to BlackReach owner and turned ownership of it over. Acerbus I really think your awesome -Might have found that a...
I will true dont worry might check up alot ONLY when apple isnt online. Thats why i made the poll- Take it to the head- DJ Khaled Ft Chris Brown ...
You are mostly the reason that i left. Just because i got bored doesnt mean i would i would i have stayed. And I dont think it was you who called me a...
If acerbus does not become staff than that is the worst mistake koolio can make. Acerbus is really cool really helpful honest true and just plain dese...
We have been enemies in the past.(I dont know what i did people just hate me for no reason). But i reccomend him as staff if any spots open up
You said i have got mem+ i logged on to check. But nope i have not got it. Just wanted to fly around and explore kraftzone. Whatever. Im buying premiu...
Brick please im saying this im making a request if I ever join again I want you to please forgive me for everything i did I'm sorry i really hope...
You are lieing you're heart out right now I mean i just dont get it. Why lie?
Lieing about not cursing i didnt have to post it but LIEING ABOUT CURSING
Calling me a gay ass
Starting problems with shawno i was talking to shawno about mining i think and than he starts cursing at shawno i didnt get other pics but he said som...
Not spam but there he was talking about putting tongues in mens d*c*holes