Last seen: Aug 22, 2016
A while back, I hosted a tekkit server, I am fairly expierenced with this./server main and such would not be possible, I believe, as connecting to the...
Admin/SupremeOverlord definitely....
That's the way it's always been. I think our unique ranks are nice, and easily understood through use of /ranks. You're messing with th...
Look, enough. The fact that you got muted, then threatened to insult he who punished you prior, under the pretenses of "Not getting you mad"...
Thanks man, to another 2 years!
Lol, yea ron you've only been here for 8 months :PSomething about this server makes people think they've been here MUCH longer than they hav...
If you really must leave, you better check up regularly, or the whole server will weep at your absence.Woombo, you helped me and everyone on the serve...
I believe Koolio knows ramato enough, and doesn't need more, however don't know if he WANTS more in this app. (Kew word: Believe)I approve 2...
Ill fill you in, old friend.Not much has happened, server-wise, that you cant see on the announcements page, so I'll fill you in on the world of ...
Ideally, a person is expected to put spaces AFTER the period. Like so. See how this works <--->? One more for good measure.
Not gonna comment on the actual subject. But are you irrationally opposed to spaces? That was hard to read D:
In My opinion is less irritating
What a genuinely helpful post 😛
Thanks Lily, by the way, your doing an unbelievable great job with staff.
There is a command/plugin like that, cant remember the name, but the player must be online
Oops typed from my phone and it auto corrected
I was aware, however replies were recent and I needed 4 more posts to get 200 posts. 😛 Sorry, I see how its irritating
I am in-fact a member plus... However some aren't and would like to fly... Overall there was no point to that reply..