Last seen: Aug 22, 2016
she is selfiseWell that's all we need to hear, isn't it boys? It has been made a law onto the players that "Thou shalt not be selfise&q...
Dammit JohnnyLet's all just act like Johnny was never born(P&R reference)
You just stare her in the face and finish, without breaking eye contact. You need to assert your position as the alpha early.Absolutely vital, your do...
Having a bit of a pc issue, should be resolved fairly soon, voting remains regular though
At the time, I was being a bit of an idiot, I probably coulda guessed you weren't flying, but also wouldn't think clearly due to whatever in...
Ay I remember that ban appeal 😀 Been a long ride, hasn't it pepsi? Wouldn't regret any of it 😛
Sly comes out from his hole every 3-4 moons to judge us. Made me laugh 😛 Keep doing you man 😛
By the way pepsi those are some VERY interesting hours, you'll need to teach me to time-travel
As you may have noticed in the past week, I am about 10x more active, I'm finally over with my time consumers and am able to get online much more...
Lol pepsi, honestly how could that question possibly not been explained by the 13-word initial post?
Only use mirrored links? I could look for mediafire links if you want
Use the skin I use for the server forum 😀
Ice doesn't have a record of being unreasonable, and that's all ill say on the matterBUTI am thoroughly horrified at your new hash tag procr...
I'll join, given you don't reach capacity
You'll be missed, keep in touch as much as possible.
Also, connecting cracked to a tekkit server is difficult, compared to premium.