Last seen: Jan 14, 2020
I talk to a few still sadly Pepsi is one of them xD
Who are you again?
Mean While like 90% of them are faggets and people you dont know .-. while the other 10% are your mom's fake account or it can be all photo shop ...
._. Well Creeper you try so hard at being funny .... Anywayy cx i might be late but conner you should have just listen the first time then every thing...
Oi i got 20k on sly to win it all cx
you joined Kraftzone pepsi 😀 jkjk im just fucking whit you pepsi
Well At the same time you keep asking when he said no he was just in a bad mood cause of pepsi c: anyway if he say's no don't keep asking . ...
In The Word's of Slyguy47Yolo
Too lazy Might Sell them on ebay
i got mine >:3 now all i has to do is sell iton ebay or i might go idk yet xD
Shad up Dilly c:<
Dilly Its a Restoration rank re building stuff that have been girfed
ive been on withercraft faction pvp raid server i think idk but i was on there and it was shit ._. There spawn was okay the player's on there suc...
Go home c:
@Shawno lol ikr xD@Red No its The Football where you hit people 😛
Yh Sorry Football Mean's A Lot too me and i have too work hard for it if i want to get where i want to get .~Work Hard Play Hard~Take No Day'...
Stop Fucking Bringing Old topics on damn -.-
Sly's accualy Good at staff But he play's around a little cx
Damn Blue Well Good Luck on that hope you have fun making game's ect il miss you D: