Last seen: Jul 13, 2020
nice screenshot im so jealous about dem shaders I wish I could play with shaders without it being 4fps...Pepsi87: it appears I have privledges to do w...
lol how... do you not know that this was an April fools joke.
skype me nao
Also forgot to mention that im not setting things down or anything, im just saying my opinion and giving ideas about this world.
nothing is wrong with mychunk yeah it is for people who change there name. Cuz its still claimed by there old username and they cant do nothing about ...
ok the thing about the enchant shop, it isnt "OP" it just really depends on how the person got the money, like your example someone just cou...
yeah, im not against shops, but like if theres 1 loophole in admin shop, the whole economy is ruined.. so easier if playershops cuz sell/buy to eachot...
10k? >.> thats like 6 stacks of logs, you can already build a mansion with that. I say start with 0, and then no shop, make ur own shop get mone...
sorta, chestshops can pass
hopefully the exonomy resets, also i vote no admin shop, makes building wayy to easy, imagine mining and farming your own material to make buildings a...
default is better amplified to much lag, and no flat space to build
noonnonon woombo, no /shop no kits no pvp no greif ;c also why i dont think shop is good idea cuz shop is wayyy to easy also pvp is ok but have to be ...
maybe u could just do no creative and them noob donators can stay in old map 😛 or stay survival with us in 1.8 map.
taht typo on title though.. lol yeah i completely agree tho ppl have to actually follow rules... also i wanna throw this out there for the server but ...
you should try adding some like building inside the mountain walls for show
lol im bored going on~ to check out
lol Kott why do u always have to post on posts i post on ;p
then he takes my armor awayok from the rest of the post Im thinking he's helper...? helper cant take items away.... so im confused >.<
windows 10 or gtfo
dat air in da bike *pump *pump *pump