Last seen: Jul 13, 2020
Hell my biggest problem is for any of these games I'm doing is getting artwork done, things like gfx for things, what sort of item pickups to hav...
Sadly not really. I just wasnt good at it but i have an announcement!-SENT FROM MY NEW FUCKING LAPTOP^^^that was the announcement, its a pretty nice l...
@iceAOS Tbh i dont care if you're a guy or a girl, id still smash ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yay, spam bots. It's that one time on the server all over again.wutThere was a time on kraftzone where over 100 spambots joined the server and sp...
Yay, spam bots. It's that one time on the server all over again.wut
ayye man fellow creeper here i feel you i feel you. this place was the shit man... i remember going on the server and you know. build. be me. never le...
damn that 4k resolution tho
#wtf #spam #bot cough* cough* if I was staff could've already deleted by now *cough *cough
will it work better? is it like the same stuff when you delete system32 folder on ur computer?
u can do that?
hey guys off topic i really feel like making a snapchat ive downloaded it b4 but couldnt use it to complicated, so i uninstalled, maybe someone could ...
kcherry.... has to be you to bring back closed posts already.
i dont like reading on my cellphone after my eyes start to burn (im blind, have like old people eyes)
Sebb your right and ur wrong. Minecraft is still a good game, but us old players just dont like the new updates like cmon i remember we didnt have the...
we can't skinsdidnt koolio make like a mod or something so we can see cracked player skins ?
heh i could be a good recruiter but ofc a certain someone wouldnt like that and if u ask why i would be a good recuiter? hmm mybe cuz im neutral. nobo...
😮 still amazed