Last seen: Oct 21, 2014
heh nice boat ;P
can i get a free 1 day to support plz or somthingWell makes it seem like you want to abuse support. I don't think you really care about helping o...
time control absolute control over time
Yeh whats up with these useless topics. You think its something useful when you see it its nothing. Absolute waste if time.
Why does it matter if it kills you? You went to pvp him. Just avoid him if you dont want to be killed
amazing video
sup boiiits me lada
Johnny u has gm why u need armor ;DD
why draw it out imaginize ;D and make it
you get fly. I think thats good enough ;D 150k is just too much
Im zForsz
The roofs shud be connected ;D its a pree nice build doe
He was my idol. RIP Paul Walker
whats ur snapchat sly .-.ill add u
Conner provide more info please. Its nice but koolio needs a bit more info eg. votes playtime etc.
agreed johnny and ur a gud staff woombo
Why dont you actually play huh sly?
pepsi what do you mean u havent seen me play in a while >.< i come on erryday. ;D