Today kott joined with accounts a fake account starting shit with Sebbacus and Lemarq, after many failed attempts to tell her to stop by both me and sheep we decided to mute and jail her. she then joined with her main account and we muted and jail that one after about 5-10 minutes we unmuted her to all go back to the same shit just worse. she threatened lemarq saying "remember what happened last time" he had no clue what she really said so she gave him a hint she said "internet" so i said to kott are you talking about ddos and she said not to the server and a bunch of shit so after that i told her i would temp ban her since she didnt stop she replied "0 fucks given" i am planning my attack on you guys. then sheep and i decided one day temp ban.
she also said "the server might lag, im testing out nodus"
yeah i also banned her other account which has been named prevously "BrandonMc__" now jenturtle. Shes claiming she wants revenge but what for? the only way i see that is possible for her to get revenge would be on herself 😀 because its herself that has put her in situations where shes criticized and punished for specifically starting problems. For someone to say "i want revenge im gonna get it!" when they put themselves there, just wow little kid or not thats pretty serious issue right there. theres no such thing as revenge when you forced to pay the price for your actions(like getting arrested for stealing, and cursing revenge on cops for arresting you). Only reason i say this is that within a time after the ban expires who knows, someone claiming revenge over there own bullshit might just be enough bullshit to make me think there gonna get more.. BULLSHIT :D. Well, i guess its safe to say there seems to be a bit more life around when kotts not staff then when she was 😀 i mean remember, any players whom dared questioned her will were punish and forced to apologize, if they dident, revenge was bestowed opon them. well, who knows. i guess lets just see were this goes 😀