I just managed to find out a little bug with McMMO that I think should be fixed. I'm not entirely sure if it's actually possible to fix through the plugin or if the creator of the plugin would have to do it on their end.
When I used the super-break (right-click) move with the pickaxe it did leave an invisible block so I relloged to see it and mine it.
When I logged back in I found out that relogging completely removes the cooldown on superbreaker so you can pretty much spam it as much as you want; rendering the type of pickaxe you have somewhat useless.
I can only assume that the same bug is available with each tool/weapon but I have not tested it.
Anyway, if it's not a bug and it was intended I apologize...
Thanks for reading, peace!
Next time you find a bug like this, Message Koolio,thecrafters144 or slyguy47, because you just told everyone on the server...
Next time you find a bug like this, Message Koolio,thecrafters144 or slyguy47, because you just told everyone on the server...
I figure with this now out if someone sees someone logging in and out constantly and gaining mining levels they'll know he/she is bug abusing :^).
Should be able to see who's doing it and stop those who do it... with more eyes we'll catch on quickly, if someone wants to do it now it's a bad idea since 'everyone' will know what's going on!
You won't be able to see them leveling mcmmo exp... plus its not even a major bug. So what if he can mine stuff fast. Might be destroying a messed up building. But whatever. Next time dont post a bug like this on forums.
You said it yourself, it's not a big deal...
I don't see it being an issue at all if it's in the suggestion section; it's a small advantage over those who have paid for high enchanted pickaxes/tools - or those who have enchanted them themselves.
Koolio seems to get things done very quickly when an issue arises so having someone power mine a ton of stone shouldn't be a big issue.
The only reason it is a suggestion is because it's an advantage over those who have /paid/ for their pickaxes. If it was a bug that effected players or the economy negatively it wouldn't be here.
I had asked Koolio if it was ok to post it here and he said it was fine ... he will report it to the mcmmo developers to fix it like his last report.
I hope you don't take it to heart, we're not arguing - just talking, I do see your point and I do agree that a large bug should not be on forums.
Im going to lock this topic
Topic moved.