Today, hi123_34 and his comrade (furball02) decided to troll their entire town.. by going invisible and attacking numerous players. They thought it was so funny that they were caught by me.
Tbonefox14, Domo579 and many others are likely those who experienced the worse. I mean what the fuck... they were simply building and didn't harm them at all and they started to troll them.
I didn't mind at all at first.. thought it would be settled after 5 mins max. Lol. nope. Hi123_34 suggested to troll because why not because it's SO HILARIOUS. They wouldn't of done all of this if I wouldn't be AFK/vanished. I mean I did follow them everywhere and sought what they did.. planning and going to hi's base.
For those who thinks trolling is a great way to have fun then go ahead. I suggest you do it to others next time while I'm on. It won't go as pretty ;p. I'm not a serious guy but please don't troll others so they can leave the server or anything. And it was going for about more than 5 mins.
I'm let other staff decide your consequence, but for me next time if you do it again I'm going to punish you and your friends. Am I cleared?
well he did attack me and I do admit that I plan to troll them and stuff but you should of message me and told me to stop or at least warned me. im not trying to tell you how to do your job. and it was just a harmful troll....I do admit again that it has gone too far and I shall stop... I will wait for you to conclude my consequence.
The fun part is why warn you when I can wait and see if you can solve it yourself. While I was vanished, it was quite hilarious seeing you doing all those stuff. But if I warned you then what would you learn, basically nothing. I'm on this server quite longer than you and your friends all together, I know how to do my job. It was the experience to live when you are Support.
As I was saying to you this post is to be taken with seriousness and I'm not joking. If you want to troll again try to not overextend and don't do it to anyone who doesn't like it. Keep it minimal. Or else you know what will happen next.
R.I.P hi123 for underestimating Johnny