Caught Herobr stealing stuff from people's chests and auctioning it to me. He thought that it was funny. I'm curious to see if the staff takes thieving seriously.
Just so you know, Herobr said some things to me - which I replied to. He later deleted all of these responses.
Yep. Abusive, too. For reporting a Thief.
Post your own screenshots. There was no misunderstanding.
" its not stealing if nobody owns it."
Yeah, it is when it is taken from someone's chest. Golden apples and enchanted books simply do not appear in the wild.
Just a little thief. Why aren't you bragging here? No guts, either?
The guy that reported the little thief.
More funny stuff. Stealing is just a big joke to you.
"you didnt show "EVERYTHING" like i said to which makes you a lier"
You don't like liars. You didn't lie. You stole.
You are a thief.
Thief. You've also claim to be a liar. If these things amuse you, then you are most likely a bad person.
That's not funny. It is just sad.
I'm not laughing at you, I feel very sorry for you.
I'll handle this in game tommorow. Stealing from chests isn't cool.
For the time being this thread is locked.
I cant really build anything.