Please tell me how do you do it! you can also modify the texture pack and make them,,,
Lost Monkey! If someone saw it , bring pepsi to me!
Creeper you started to be so annoying:you are constantly spamming those "A"-s that look like smileys in your texture.I told you not to spam over and over and you still do it.
"A'-s.... Get faithful. If you don't know.. Faithful is kraftzone's texture pack. Most Krafters use it.
I had faithful if you didnt know i also used it before but i prefer the default texture pack.Even if i used faithful you're still gonna spam just other symbols.Dont spam the "A"-s either the smyleys its still SPAMMING
A's... There smiley faces, you should get faithful. Most Krafters have it.
Koolio even customized it..
Dont spam just DONT SPAM im done with this
Calm Down! Sorry for da spam. Plus Faithful is an awesome texture pack, not just for the smiley faces 😛
You should get it.