Name: John
Rank: M+
Age: 12
Playtime: 19 days
Votes: 116
Rank Wanted: Staff because i wanna help out people and make sure no 1 griefs or spawn kills
Reason: I have really wanted staff when i started the server i was new so i did not know what to do and now i know alot of commands i maneged to get better at the time and i just love how koolio makes the server u know so i wish i could get Staff and try and make the server alot better i know we have great staff but mostly they dont vote which is sad and i dont like how Staff Troll so much i get pissed when that happens to me.
I'll be back soon.
One thing: applications go in the "Applications section" not general chat.
I have to say that are not much votes with such a playtime.
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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-Currently Donator
Red on the John account i only had voted like 29 times i used to never vote cause i did not know what it did
I'll be back soon.
Based on past experiences I have to say you're a long say the least