Hello there
Many people are asking me why I got demoted from support to staff. Well, that is what I am going to explain here, or at least give it a try.
So, to start, I was working at another place. That meant I was not able to play minecraft for six weeks. All good, spoke to Koolio about it before I left, so no problem yet. After that, I came back home, and noticed I wanted to play other games first. They drew my attention away from minecraft, or at least vanilla minecraft. So I started to think what kept me away from minecraft, and suddently I knew. It was the fact that I, as support, had to help people. That is not a problem, and I'm still doing that, but helping the stupid people, that don't understand anything and make us all facepalm, took away my interest for playing minecraft. So on a day, Koolio sent me a message asking where I was and stuff, I told him I was not interested in playing vanilla minecraft and stuff. well, to keep a long story short, we, or Koolio, decided to make me staff. I didn't feel to go against him, actually, I felt this was right. So now I am staff. I still help people with the easy jobs, but if it is possible, I would kindly ask you to ask someone else to keep me interested in playing minecraft.
Take that last sentence as bullshit.
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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"RedArrow the awesome man is staff again?!?!?"
I'm pretty sure awesome people don't get demoted
lol ya they do ;P