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so today there was two players tht asked in chat if they could join a town. So i invited them to our town currently in 1.7 world. suddently i see them trying to greif woombo's house but wat a relief they didnt made alot of damage to the house. i then tried to kill them but the town has pvp toggled off and then i tried to kick them out of the town but it just said tht i dont have perms to use it.
If your reading this Koolio pls come on the server and kicked them out ffrom the town for meh their names are qwiksmoke and TheBlueMage. Tht will be rlly appreciated from ur part.
sry i dont have screenshots of them trying to greif the place... but if they continue ill post them on this topic
Posted : 11/01/2014 5:04 am