I know this is a long shot but, i would like to apply for a spot in the helper category for towny/factions i will list the reasons why i would make a good helper below please read them.
First of all I would be a great helper because I like to help anyone who needs help in any situation or predicament that they are in.
second off I would make a good helper is because I don't allow swearing unless it is absolutely meant to be said in the moment of conflict.
third off i would make a great helper because I will apply myself to do anything a staff/helper asks me to help them with.
fourth and final reason is because I respect the authority of this great server and wish to become a great authority figure such as koolio,slyguy47,pepsi87,thecrafters, and last but not least vinmeistr and extacyy
Hey blubber, first of why not tell us more about these following
- Total votes
- Total playtime
- How often you play on the server
- Knowledge about both Kraftzone and Kraftwars
- Date registered (MM,DD,YYYY)
- How would you help people, in what way
- Your traits that would qualify you as helper
I totally suggest you read the How and Why to post a staff app. Goto http://kraftzone.net/forum/index.php?topic=1177.0
That would probably help you alot!! 😀
Best luck for you and have fun as always!!