lol i got board so i felt like posting somthing.... phase one of the old mob grinder that ive had for a while has disapointed me... sence i have 4 chambers witch contain 1-2 spanwners all connect to 1 central mob-O-vator.... and heres the issue they all go up to it but wenn the spawn rates go up they tent to shov each outher and it takes time for them to actually go up the vator..... so i want u guys to pick one.... either i can make the mob-O-vator a 4x4 or i can just make anouther mob-O-vator... so i want u guys to decide
your using x-ray :O
its not xray its called cavefinder and if u think im hacking im not cuz cavefinder is a mod from nodus but honestly nodus fucks ur game over and causes bad lagg
well, isn't using cavefinder still kinda cheating? I mean, you are increasing the chances of you finding ores. caves, and hideouts, so.....
it matters for what you use the cave-finder for but my use if for... for example i use it to report abuse ....
now do you understand?
Yes, in that regard, it isn't used for bad. But, other then that we really don't know what you are using it for. I'm not blaming you for anything, I'm just saying we don't always know your using it for that reason.
Frank, just no
come on dude we all no u got that xray as ahotkey XD
Did I honestly just hear that cavefinder isn't hacking? Yes frank, it is. However, hacking is allowed on this server so no worries (however I still don't hack). And 2 spawners are the best for a mob grinder, stacking them doesn't increase efficiency, as they need to be within 16 blocks of you to spawn in the first place.
depends on the hack santaklaws
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story