So the idea of towny wars and an entire map reset has gotten a lot of attention. I myself would most likely be on board for both a server-wide war and a map reset, if certain conditions were met.
1- If ever a server-wide war, it would be anything goes (griefing, no lockette, fire, etc.) Spawn possibly being a safespot and a way of getting supplies.
2- after the war, entire server map reset, people keeping town names, ranks, and money.
3- During war, NO creative for anyone, except maybe Koolio, unless he wants to be part of the war,log also maybe keeping money after reset.
4- Anti-pvplog plugin
5- Objectives in the war, either being killing town leaders or destroying entire towns, etc.
6- No god-apples, or else whats the point of a war if you're invincible.
7- War is made up of either nations or towns, rogues for people without towns
8- Winners get some sort of prize for the server reset (money, town plots, spawn building contributions, plugin suggestion, etc)
9- Dead Players are spectators throughout the war
10- idk, that's about it....maybe an HG map or mini-game map after the war, the map is turned into an HG map for one match, winner gets another prize, or maybe The Walls PVP, or something, one fun map after the war to ease any bad feelings after the war.
That's it, just my thoughts.
War would be useless, with me involved, it would only be a fight for 2nd 😉
11- Sly is not allowed to participate in War
That make it better sly? 😀
I am really good at war since I played on another server.