Age: 14
IGN: XxJohnFigueroaxX
Rank Going for: Helper and Staff
Reason: ive been trying to get staff and helper for a while and i thought i mite be a new helper for vins spot and i dont pvp much only when people need them out of there town or something ima see if i kill them and all that stuff. And i just became donater so i think ima be better at helper ive been helping the new with anything towns materials, I think i mite be a good helper !
Dont put any bad posts guys thanks <3
I'll be back soon.
This reminds me of your arena.... Well you know what my opinion is on this .!.
~not good
Its spelled might
Atleast I don't get that picture, because check meh application GRAMMAR EPIC WIN
Well I guess I failed at being a helper.. 🙁 I guess I have better luck next time oh well Congrats to whoever got helper
^ your still not geting it
xD Frank, stop being mean :L
Well I guess I failed at being a helper.. 🙁 I guess I have better luck next time oh well Congrats to whoever got helper