Tired of going to Admin Shop, and lagging?
Lag no more! For a simpler, more concise shop has been Constructed! Oh yes! We have it all! (Or a lot, will soon be adding more)
Wanna fly? Buy a fly disc! Wanna build? Buy some wood, or glass, or stone, whatever you want!
Diamonds, iron, redstone, lapis, coal, whatever you need, all at your finger tips!
What are YOU waiting for! /warps Beirut_Shop (if you are Registered or Member, there is a warp sign on the player made shops board, or you can /t spawn Beirut And go to the commercial district)
-Needed a 200th post, and some shameless advertising never hurt-
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
Wanna fly? Buy a fly disc!
Wanna fly? Vote to get Member+ And have permanent fly, so you dont have to buy these thing, or you can just do it like we use to. walk.
I am in-fact a member plus... However some aren't and would like to fly... Overall there was no point to that reply..
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
Oops typed from my phone and it auto corrected
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.