Hey guys Johnny here and I'm wondering if I could have perms to use lava buckets in the survival world.
I dont want to use it for abusing my creative mode neither too kill other players in the server.
I simply want to have perms to use it is for my buildings while in creative mode.
I hope you understand but if i wont have perms its ok
ps: I got my rank back... Hope u guys ask me for help ill be usually on and ready to help you guys!
I hope you're making cool stuff for the town 😀 miss us dude.
dude theres a guy greifing in the town atm.... and i cant kick him out 😛 i wish koolio was here his name is qwiksmoke and TheBlueMage they are both register players and hope u had nothing in ur chest in ur house cuz they oppened it and i thought they stole something from ur chest 😛 miss ya too
ps: parkour and new shop wink wink***