Well i think its Time for me to let go of Kraftzone and Minecraft this has been on my mind a lot but whit the summer just around the corner i cant be on Minecraft every day like i do its time for me to stop and too Start to Enjoy my life whit out Minecraft.
Well im leaving kz is the Training of Football for high school i have to deal whit i need soo much Training to do it would take me a whole summer to be caught up whit my Traing any way... I might be on kz for a while sometime's Maybe 30 min's idk
Well This is Actually my Good bye
~Koolio - Sorry about every thing i did on my last join on kz it was stupid but your server was soo Amzing i spent soo much time on it was the most fun i had in a long time hope your Server stay's up for a long time 😛
~As for the rest of you - Im going to miss you all maybe xD jk But im going to miss every one soo yh
Well Bye Guys Hope To See Yall Soon ,
Hope yall have a good life Well Good Bye ..
And another great player takes his leave.....
Bye dead,
EVERYONE will miss you.
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
Yh Sorry Football Mean's A Lot too me and i have too work hard for it if i want to get where i want to get .
~Work Hard Play Hard
~Take No Day's Off In The Summer Im Comitied to Be the Best Athletic person in High school As A Freshmen No matter what the cost is
Man dead we had some fking awesome times I wish we built that assassinations buisness lol but hope you have fun dude good luck to you i know im gonna miss ya man damn
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
Hmmm, now I wonder what kind of football you mean...
I mean, is it the kind of football that british people call soccer?
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
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@Shawno lol ikr xD
@Red No its The Football where you hit people 😛
Then it sucks 😛
No, but I like people that pt some effort in something to archieve something. Good luck with your type of football 😉
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
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