I admit it. I've been being an asshole lately. I'm sorry and I hope you all forgive me. I just wanted to say some stuff. Happy, bye hope you have fun. Even I'll somehow miss you. He admins are ignoring everyone now and getting lazy, or there not coming on a lot. Koolio, I think you should start taking more staff in. Happys right. If yu play his much, the server gta a bit boring. So, I'm gonna take a long break soon. Idk if I'll come back. I just wanna say, shawno. I'm sorry and hopefully we can stop fighting. I also want to tell every one I was ever mean to, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. And also, I hope the staff gt better. Every staff, hope yu stay at staff, and everyone. Have a fun year. Koolio, when I leave I hope your server stays as good as it is now. I know some people are cheering that I'm going. But I hope yu don't my iPods almost out of battery so I'll write more in he comments-brick
Like I said before, I hate being bored while everyone else is having fun. So, I'll say when my last days are. I will come back. Well, idk if I will prob not. But Koolio, your losing so many people. You need to do what yu did before and make kraftzone more exciting for people. I'm not saying I find it boring. I love it. But I just want everyone to have fun. Happy is right. He has a reason to leave and you shouldn't persuade him to stay. But just make kraftzone kraftzone again. For everybody. You should spend one. iChat and shut the server down, and make this server kraftzone again. When I'm gone, I hope you do. When my time limit reaches a certain number, bye kraftzone and minecraft for a while. Hopefully my lat couple days is as fun as it was when I first joined. Shawno is right. Don't be mad at me for this Koolio, but, everyone on minecraft and kraftzone, is wasting their lives. I used to play 6 hours a day for the first week. Then I took a break, and realized, that minecraft sucks and is taking people over when they could make more friends, play outside and get better grades. I'll continue more in another comment 😀
Happy please apply and keep it at the top!