ok stop twisting the truth with "should be better" "insulting"
this is only a small part of the conversation, he was asking for fire protection 4 on his set of protection 4 armor for "god armor", i, being new to support, dont know the limit with enchants so i offered to enchant one of them with fire protection, he said i was mean to put it lightly, i told him not to be mean but as a general statement, you dont need god armor to be a good pvper, he said im not good so i decided to say as in the picture ok levi learn to be better trololol, he took it the wrong way. now let me clear up when im joking i put a jk lol or trolol at the end (unless i ofrget which happens). after this he continued the disrespect but i let him continue on, he said well i got screenshots so im going to post it and to be honest i dont give two shits. and he telling me about disrespect when he does it alot like a few weeks back be was saying i give bj or suck his dick, your lucky i dont decide to stop you when you started saying I was mean so it wouldnt get to that point, and levi next time you try to play the demote game make sure you get in all the details not just the ones that make you look good, and dont act surprised im fighting back because i dont take crap expecally if you dont tell the whole truth, just think everyone should know and im going to leave it as that so continue to post but now you know what happened.
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
I, as a witness, saw this all and even experienced it when Levi tried to push me around.
Think dirt is useless? Think again.
i love this blue
I actually remember this happening, so...., even though at the time i was afk, I came back in time to see what was going on, so I am a witness, and I have to go with blue on this one.