several time griffin has griefed my build. he did it in-front of a staff member(mister.sheep) and hes has taken the gold from my ship. he continues this to annoy me. sheep has warned him several time but he just wont listen. he has also hacked my cracked account on kraftwarz and destroyed my factions and builds. he has admitted it.
i did
Ok you lieing fuck... i said i guessed your password rite i didnt fuck with any of your shit so you can just shut the fuck up... and i took the gold once ans sheep replaced it all so stop bitching about it and i got banned for it so i got the punishment... so you can just stop now.
yeah you keep acting up and cussing, you wonder why you get silenced and you make some usless fourms saying to unsilences you and "im silenced you fucking idiots" ???huh yeah i guess those prove your case very welll, not to mention your just tearing there stuff apart for no reason, if you got some problem with them or they took something from you then emphsize on that not wrecking there stuff for no reason i dont care if i replaced it i used to have my shit vandelized all the time and i remeber when there was no one there to so thinking its okay to just wreck stuff and it will just be replaced is total bull.. i only kicked you for 24 mins and then you started fighting with brandon hi and genger and i was just trying to get you out of there but you set home "(OFCOURSE!!!! a typical noob thing) and they were just killing you and you kept teleporting home or /back. Short story shorter, i dont know why your griefing them and trying to fight with them, but its kind of really annoying and if you grief one more time i will Smash you hardcore with the ban hammer, i dont like to since koolio will probably not like it, and he would be the one to undo it likely :S XD but you even greifed infront of my square mineface... thats kinda like wow.. so be warned 😀
I wasnt fighting them i was just running around and they were the ones killing me...
Ya but what he didnt show you was that i took out three blocks and put them back.... no harm done....
lol you are using hacks
there is harm because u keep griefing me and i am getting tired of it
lel u saw nothing
u saw nothing its all a dream
its sooo realll 😀
just wait...asshole
This is why we need the Fac server back open people keep posting about greifing so I think we need it back and sorry for posting on a old topic