Hey there, and SantaKlaws here with a suggestion for a new rank on Kraftzone. This rank would be called "Terraformer" and if you got this rank, you would get a few permissions. I will list these permissions/commands down below.
-Voxel Sniper (Either admin version or the version where you can limit what they can do, kind of a "Newbie" rank of Voxel Sniper)
*The reason I think the terraformer should get Voxel Sniper is because "Terraforming" is essentially building terrain. Do do this, you usually need Voxel Sniper or World Edit.*
-Set multiple homes
*This would be so you could travel to many projects at once.*
Although you may say "He/she could really mess up the server though!" I suggest that to gain this rank, you must be tested, or make a YouTube video of yourself doing terraforming. And it would have to be at least 1-2 hours in total (doesn't have to be all at once) and has to be verified by someone else, or if you show a 3rd person view of yourself to prove that you made the video. The terraforming would also have to be good, exceptionally good to be considered. Finally, you can also limit the terraformers commands to //br //mask, //top, //fill, and //fix(water/lava). Maybe you could get //replace as well to finish off your projects when they're done. Discuss below.
heh even though support has voxel sniper, only koolio and ytsen are allowed to use it, plus, why do we need a terraformer when minecraft generates terrain for you 😛
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
To create terrain for builds, if lets say, I wanted to make a dam, and made a little lake higher up in a terraformed mountain to be the resivoir. Or lets say I want a wide canyon for my bridge to cross, or an epic waterfall. You can also make floating islands with it. I also just realized I gave the commands for World Edit, not Voxel Sniper. I hope you guys caught the drift of the commands though 😀
but like i said even though support have voxel sniper, only koolio and ytsen use it and if not careful with voxel sniper or even WE for that matter it can crash the server
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Yes, true. But VS also had a "Newbie" setting (I don't remember the name) where they get access to plenty less commands.
Edited 😀
plenty less, oximoron? 😛
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Edited just for you bluedude.