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i would like to apply for the helper rank because i welcome new players to kraftzone and i agree with any changes that happen on the server
i also think thats i would make a good helper because i dedicate my free time to helping new players to kraftzone and to this server
Posted : 12/12/2013 11:44 pm
Blubber, spamming lots of helper ranks, won't get u Helper. Also you're not helping new players, u're making it worse for them, imagine a new player joining server and sees lots of forum posts. Also, if you really want Helper, you won't write a 1 sentence application. make it like 1 ~ 2 paragraphs.
Posted : 12/12/2013 11:47 pm
Yeah creeper is right it is just 1 sentence make it longer
Posted : 13/12/2013 12:21 am