Who: Hosted by me, slyguy47.
What: One game of TDM.
When: This will be decided by the participants. Post a reply if your going to attend and your preferable times.
Where: My newly built arena, MushroomWar. Type /warhub and go to the portal on the far right to get there.
Why: There is a $5,000,000 prize for the winning team.
Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!
Sly i must say this is a great idea. me and you dont agree on much but this is pretty cool. we can have say 5-10 teams of around 5-10 people on each and make a bracket and such. seems like this would be fun and i would enjoy playing in it. i will attend whenever it is if im available
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
5 million for every member?
The 5 million will be split between the winning team evenly. There is a maximum of 10 people per team.
Seems legal, I WANNA PLAY!
I cant really build anything.
Few questions: what are the kits going to be, how come you can create warhub arenas, and where do you get all this money? I'd do it at 4 AM EST next sunday, or 8PM EST next Saturday.