this build wasnt claimed and i was going to clear it because im building a jungle resort thing right next to it but then i saw how big it was so i just left it. i thought it was just an abandoned build like you see all the way through kz, i have since fixed this build, kott just likes to piss peaople off she has trolled me and griefed my builds countless times but you dont see me going on this and snitching. my personal opinion kott shouldn't even be staff
hmmm... interesting...
cfc you still don't destroy something that is not claimed that could mean two things there is a new player that made it and did not know how to claim o yet and the second thing is the staf just hasint claimed it yet
ive never griefed those ugly things if u gonna be a bitch then talk to the hand 🙂
good luck in your life, with those selfies on instagram you won't come far bby :*
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
if u gonna be mad then go ahead, you call me immature? 😀 not the one holding a teddybear with my 5 friends and gets 5 likes on every photo
can't handle it, can't you, that i have about 5k more than you, and you get mad lol and make this shit up
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
haha this is so fucking laughable :)) what age are you? this is why i question your place as a staff 😛
your face is so fucking laughable 😛
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)