Name-Kodey Mustain
age- Feb 08,1996 "18"
Application- Trying for helper.
With my experiece with the server is I've tryed finding this how to make a post and I just now found it. Anyways I do help alot in the server, I am an expenicial builder that people have told me I should try for Archutect, on my way to Archutect I played every day from 4-8 hours a day working torward M and M+ . With me playing in the begining I voted almost to everyday. With my building experience in building is I do wide verity of context disgns I come up on my own but the disgns are: Nordic, viking, Rustic, steampunk, gothic, and medevel.
I take total responsablity on the server and i always try to improve others, teach others, and build for others on the server. Even though it might sound I'm makeing an app. for Archutect but this is the best way I can discribe what I do on the server. In real life to dicribe my self is I'm a Jehovahs witness I was tought by witness parents and to that I have morel standerds. I'm a good friend to every one on the server and every one undrstands me and respects me and every one there likes me. Being that I've been playing MC ever sence beta I don't know alot of CMD's I do learn fast in learning comands.
But back to suject I would like helper to help others. In the the way I would help others fully in there builds.To those i would help,"EVERYONE."
IGN: zking1998
IRL name: Kodey A. Mustain
Age: 18
Position desired: Helper
Position already had: REGISTERED > Member > Member + > Architect
Total playtime: 15 1/2 days = 372 hours played
Total votes: 159
I hope you like my application and vote for me to helper
king you should know that the ranks go as registered>member>member+>helper>staff>staff=>support! Please look at other posts and the "How And Why To Post A Staff App" pinned posts those will give you a better understanding of what we really look for in apps other than that good
Brandon I already told him :/ Zking it's a good start. I think you didn't get the idea of what a helper app is but you can blame myself for explaining you in a way you might or may not understand.
Tip #1 First off try to like correct your mistakes such as archutech, experiece, discribe, etc...
Tip #2 Well in a application you state "Why do you want to be Helper", "How would you help if you get this rank", "Who will you help", "In which way you think you're gonna improve the server". Write something that will interest us to rank you up like facts about your total votes or playtime.
Write anything that will convince you that this is the RIGHT position for you and that you deserve it.
Tip #3 When writing applications try to like specify the rank you want to be. Like this app is for helper you only say helper not helper/staff. It's just confusing :/
Tip #4 Try not to say what you do on the server daily
Your helper should look like this.. doing with my name
IGN: Johnny
IRL name: Johnny
Age: 14
Position desired: Helper
Position already had: Registered > Member > Member + > Donator tier3.. been Voter+ once
Total playtime: 71 days
Total votes: Between 850 - 900 votes (includes Th3Chinese's vote)
I want to be helper because I want to improve the server in any possible way. I always try my best in every way, I always try to accomplish my goals with efficiency and hard work. I always try to vote daily because I know it's my duty to vote and show new players that voting can get higher ranks. I play around after school and try to help as many players possible with their needs. I want to help not only new players, I want to help old players and current members of the community. I want to help players with commands, building projects, building their first homes, with any questions concerning ranks, how to vote, how plugins work and more. If I ever get Helper, I will accomplish the work and will make everyday an easier day for Staff and Koolio.
I've played on this server 1 year and a half now. I've had my up and downs. I've had my good times and times that were awful. I grew up here and Kraftzone is my family it's where I can help players and try to improve it bit by bit. It'll be an amazing experience if you accept my helper application.
I'm a awesome builder which concludes that I can help players in builds such as their first home or just building for fun. I have experience in builds I am mostly familiar with modern type houses and medieval builds. If you want to see it for yourself you can go to my town and check it out /t spawn praefortis.
Hope you accept my app 😮
Johnny, out! ratatatatatata #pinkunicorns