-I am currently 14 years old(almost 15)
-I would like the rank of staff.
-I have voted a total of 100 times and have almost 20 days of playtime.
-I registered on October 15, 2012
-I would like to help the server as it is growing in both size and quality to become better and easier for both players and yourself.
-As you know i have skill in both world guard and worldedit and have knowledge of almost all plugins used on kraftzone.
-I have been trusted with many permissions and other things to help improve my player experience and know i would like to help others.
And on a less serious note watch this
Stephen Lynch- Ugly Baby song
Kill it with fire...
Why even bother making a Staff App? We all already know the answer...
Koolio's time is precious don't waste it.
We will let him have the final say shall we. You arent even apart of this server anymore. You have decided to quit and we all respect that. Now just scram.
according to that application, you are a great candidate for staff. the problem we see, is you not exactly acting the way staff act ingame. if you were to clean up your act and act ingame the way we do, be respectful and helpful to everyone all of the time, and really show us that stuff on the application... who knows what could happen. prove yourself ingame and good things are sure to come your way
For The Glory Of KraftZone
first of all sly is still a part of this server you just din't see it second of all i don't have anything more to say
Dude,Dudes,And Dudedes
Help Me By Pressing The Liked Ratting thing