Hi Koolio. Its Wikk3dd3stroy3r. I think the server is great and all, you picked great staffs. This was my favorite server out of everyone ive been on! I know me and you havent been BEST friends over the past. But i think me, madhead42, even, Copyablecougar42 and all the other staffs can really change this server. Well, thats all i have to say! Please let me know! Thank you -Sincerely
Hi Koolio! Its me Wikk again :D. Well i guess i do have more to say! Reasons I (wikk) Should be staff.
1. I am on a lot so I can help people out.
2. I am friends with a lot of staff and other players
3. I've been on the server for a while and I am expeirienced with towny servers.
4. I am op on two other servers and I have a lot of expeirience with being staff and the comands.
5. I am really good at handling situations with griefers, spammers, hackers, ect.
6. I might not be the best builder, but I can help people with making houses, with and other things.
7. I know not to give other players items, even if they ask
8. I always wanted to be a moderator or a staff on your server, and i know i will be really good at it if you let me be staff! Thanks!
Maybe tell us your playtime and maybe add some extra stuff if you want, other then that nice app.
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Thanks bluedude i didnt i was rushed 😀
The only thing i want to add is my playtime. 87:46:00
Make your own account instead of using your brother's account. Registering isn't hard 😀
Think dirt is useless? Think again.
He can't I won't let him use my email 😀
why doesnt he get his own email?
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Too young
Lie? make one for him? lol?
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Neh. I'll just let him use mine
This doesn't seem right 😛
not good enough....
not good enough....
Just say why you think something when you say things like "not good enough....".
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
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But i think me, madhead42, even, Copyablecougar42 and all the other staffs can really change this server.
Why do you want to change the server?
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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Red look at the date :P, he doesn't play anymore
You are right, now I'm asking myself why that *** ** * ***** starts to answer that old topics.
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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