Name : Chris
In Game Username : CreeperZx3
Total Playtime : 18 Days 4 Hours
Total Votes : 360
Registered : 2013-10-10
Rank I Desire : Wiki Team
Why I think i Deserve this Rank : I think i deserve this rank, because everyone on the Wiki team, have another big rank, like Staff/Helper, So they are constantly busy. Also factions is coming out, and i'm pretty sure thats gonna be big. I had this rank before, but then i quit, that was a mistake, i regret every bit of it. Even if I don't get this rank, I hope I can help out with Factions, i'm very familiar with it, I know most commands, and all that good stuff. 😛
I know, im not active that much in game, but i'm active on the forums, If that means anything... Also im gonna be active now, since Factions is coming out, i already got my base! When more people start playing on it, i will too... I'ts kinda boring when you're the only one playing on the server... similar to Singleplayer, but with mods (plugins) Thanks for reading... please think about it. 😉